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September 8, 2022 IT Training Program classes start today

 Nesta quarta-feira (16), começam as aulas do programa que oferece formação especializada em Tecnologias da Informação para atender a demandas da Ford  Entre os 200 jovens e adultos que participarão do Programa, 80 são bolsistas que estão dando os primeiros passos na área de TI. O curso é focado na formação de programadores e oferece duas trilhas de […]

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August 4, 2021 SENAI CIMATEC University Center launches social networks.

Students at the SENAI CIMATEC University Center started the semester with a lot of innovation. The educational institution opened profiles on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn

August 4, 2021 SENAI CIMATEC returns to the ranking of the biggest computers in the world

Thanks to  Ogbon, SENAI CIMATEC returned to the ranking of the 500 largest computers in the world. “It is an important advance for Brazilian science and technology”, assesses Adhvan Furtado, manager of the computing area at SENAI CIMATEC. SENAI CIMATEC’s Supercomputing Center had already been in the top 500 list six times, with Yemoja. Ogbon […]

August 4, 2021 ANVISA authorizes commercialization of the respirator designed by NASA and adapted by SENAI CIMATEC 2

Professors and former students of the SENAI CIMATEC University Center were part of the team that adapted the VIDA Respirator to the necessary prerequisites for production and marketing in Brazil. The VITAL Respirator, developed by NASA engineers, underwent adjustments made by SENAI CIMATEC and, on the 17th, received permission from the National Health Surveillance Agency […]