MBI UX Design & Strategy

On-site (SENAI CIMATEC) or Online (Live)
1 year
Monthly Pay 2024:
R$ 890,00
On-site (SENAI CIMATEC) or Online (Live)
1 year
Monthly Pay 2024:
R$ 890,00

The course

User experience has been the current focus of companies on user engagement as they interact with everything around them. Improving customer experience in relation to the products and services they provide, as well as consumer loyalty, is a fundamental factor for business survival.

Usability emerges as an integrative link, mediating aspects of business profitability and the market, and in proposing values ​​for individuals, creating values ​​by making users’ needs and desires tangible in the form of new experiences. Currently, the Brazilian UX Design market is expanding, driven by recent businesses that promote new digital experiences.

The MBI in User Experience & Strategy at Centro Universitário SENAI CIMATEC was structured to revolutionize the UX market in Bahia. Integrated into the SENAI CIMATEC ecosystem, and concluding in 12 months, the MBI offers intermediate exits (modular extension course), HACKATON with sponsors and partners, technical visits and professional networking, face-to-face meetings with live broadcast, mentoring with experts in the field and remote access to laboratories.


The SENAI CIMATEC University Center has a differentiated structure, which involves, in addition to advanced technology, equipment and laboratories focused on innovation with teams of highly qualified professionals and teachers. Everything planned and developed to promote learning that combines theory with practice: http://www.sejacimatec.com.br/tourvirtual/index.html


See chapter V of the Academic Regulations SENAI CIMATEC University Center


The SENAI CIMATEC University Center reserves the right to:

Cancel the course if the minimum number of enrolled students is not reached. Students will be able to take some subjects with Masters classes offered by Centro Universitário SENAI CIMATEC.

Form of payment* Valid until: 01/12/2024
À Vista R$ 18.690,00
18x R$ 890,00

Next Classes

Wed, May 29th, 2024

Workload: 360h

Start of classes: August 26th, 2024

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday: 6:30 pm to 10:30 pm | Fortnightly Meetings


Course Schedule

  • Integrated Manufacturing System – 36h
  • Automation Elements – 36h
  • Industrial Instrumentation -12h
  • Industrial Networks – 36h
  • Industrial IT – 24h
  • Cybersecurity in Industrial Networks – 24h
  • Robotics – 36h
  • Artificial Intelligence – 24h
  • Microprocessed Automation Systems – 36h
  • Modeling and Simulation – 24h
  • Control Systems – 24h
  • Discrete Event Systems – 24h
  • Research Methodology I – 12pm
  • Research Methodology II – 12pm
  • Sub-total 360h
  • Course Completion Work – 90h

Carlos César Ribeiro Santos

PhD in Computational Modeling and Industrial Technology from Centro Universitário SENAI CIMATEC, Master in Strategic Administration, MBA in Administration and Bachelor in Business Administration from Universidade Salvador (UNIFACS). He has over 18 years of experience in the Education segment. He is currently Adjunct Professor and Lato Sensu Postgraduate Coordinator in the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) segment at Centro Universitário SENAI CIMATEC and leads the management of educational services contracts for the formatting of on-demand courses in medium and large companies . He also works as Lead Researcher at the SENAI Institute for Innovation in Logistics, developing projects to increase the productivity and competitiveness of Brazilian industry.

Selective process 2024



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