Specialization in Electric and Hybrid Vehicles (NEW)

On-site (SENAI CIMATEC) or Online (Live)
1 year
Monthly Pay 2024:
R$ 790,00
On-site (SENAI CIMATEC) or Online (Live)
1 year
Monthly Pay 2024:
R$ 790,00

The course


The electric and hybrid vehicle market is booming in Brazil, with a 76% increase in sales in the first months of 2023, compared to the previous year, according to data from the Brazilian Electric Vehicle Association (ABVE). Attentive to market trends and demands, SENAI CIMATEC now offers the first postgraduate course in Electric and Hybrid Vehicles in the North and Northeast.

Strategically developed to meet the growing demand for specialized professionals, the postgraduate course comes at a time when the Bahian market welcomes the BYD factory, the first to produce electric cars in Brazil. A complete postgraduate course with a hybrid format, which aims to train professionals to technically understand the operational aspects of these types of vehicles, which increasingly stand out in the automotive industry as a promising vector for consolidating sustainable mobility in Brazil and in the world.


The only specialization in the North and Northeast, the postgraduate course in Electric and Hybrid Vehicles has a team of renowned teachers, a cutting-edge structure with electric cars, an automotive mechatronics laboratory, and high-power electric chargers. All this within the SENAI CIMATEC ecosystem.


The SENAI CIMATEC University Center has a differentiated structure, which involves, in addition to advanced technology, equipment and laboratories focused on innovation with teams of highly qualified professionals and teachers. Everything planned and developed to promote learning that combines theory with practice: http://www.sejacimatec.com.br/tourvirtual/index.html


See chapter V of the Academic Regulations SENAI CIMATEC University Center

Form of payment* Valid until: 01/12/2024
À Vista R$ 16.590,00
21x R$ 790,00

Next Classes

Thu, February 1st, 2024

Workload: 360h

Start of classes: February 1st, 2024

Thursday and Friday: 6:30 pm to 10:30 pm, Saturdays – 9 am to 1 pm (Fortnightly)


Course Schedule

  • Mindset for innovation – 30h
  • Automotive Systems – 30h
  • Automotive Manufacturing – 30h
  • Management of Electric Vehicle Powertrain Systems – 30h
  • Electric Motors and Transmission Systems – 30h
  • Batteries, Fuel Cells and Reformers– 30h
  • Charging Infrastructure for Electromobility – 30h
  • Connectivity and Autonomous Vehicles – 30h
  • Safety applied to Electrified Vehicles – 30h
  • CIMATEC Experience: Learning Experiences – 90h
  • TOTAL GERAL 360h

Carlos César Ribeiro Santos

PhD in Computational Modeling and Industrial Technology from Centro Universitário SENAI CIMATEC, Master in Strategic Administration, MBA in Administration and Bachelor in Business Administration from Universidade Salvador (UNIFACS). He has over 18 years of experience in the Education segment. He is currently Adjunct Professor and Lato Sensu Postgraduate Coordinator in the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) segment at Centro Universitário SENAI CIMATEC and leads the management of educational services contracts for the formatting of on-demand courses in medium and large companies . He also works as Lead Researcher at the SENAI Institute for Innovation in Logistics, developing projects to increase the productivity and competitiveness of Brazilian industry.

Selective process 2024