Computational Modeling and Industrial Technology

4 years
Monthly Pay 2024:
R$ 2.365,69
4 years
Monthly Pay 2024:
R$ 2.365,69

The course

The Course

The Doctoral Program in Computational Modeling and Industrial Technology aims to train researchers capable of developing the interdisciplinary process of computational modeling, recognizing various application possibilities in the industry and in solving societal problems. Students are required to complete 60 credits distributed as follows:

  • Mandatory Courses (9 credits)
  • Basic Courses in the related research line (9 credits)
  • Required Courses in the connected research line (3 credits)
  • Supplementary Courses (9 credits)
  • Mandatory Curricular Activities (30 credits)

Recognized with a score of 6 by CAPES.



Form of payment* Valid until: 30/12/2024
48x R$ 2.365,69

Next Classes

Course Schedule

  • Integrated Manufacturing System: 36 hours
  • Automation Elements: 36 hours
  • Industrial Instrumentation: 12 hours
  • Industrial Networks: 36 hours
  • Industrial Informatics: 24 hours
  • Cybersecurity in Industrial Networks: 24 hours
  • Robotics: 36 hours
  • Artificial Intelligence: 24 hours
  • Microprocessed Automation Systems: 36 hours
  • Modeling and Simulation: 24 hours
  • Control Systems: 24 hours
  • Discrete Event Systems: 24 hours
  • Research Methodology I: 12 hours
  • Research Methodology II: 12 hours

Prof. Alex Santos, DSc.

PhD from the Energy and Environment Program of the Interdisciplinary Center for Energy and Environment (CiEnAm) at the Federal University of Bahia (2010). Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Federal University of Bahia (1998) and Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering from the State University of Campinas (2001). Professor and Researcher at SENAI CIMATEC on topics related to energy, thermal engineering, energy efficiency and computational modeling. Senior Member and Coordinator of the North and Northeast Regional of the Brazilian Association of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences (ABCM). He is Coordinator of Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Studies at the Dean of Postgraduate Studies and Research at the SENAI CIMATEC University Center and the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program in Computational Modeling and Industrial Technology at the SENAI CIMATEC University Center. He is Manager of the Stricto Sensu Department at SENAI CIMATEC. He was Pro-Rector of Postgraduate Studies and Research at the SENAI CIMATEC University Center (2017-2018). He served as General Coordination of the Lato Sensu Postgraduate Course at the SENAI CIMATEC University Center (2018-2022). He was Director and Coordinator of Postgraduate Studies and Research at the Faculty of Technology SENAI CIMATEC (2011-2017). Also at SENAI CIMATEC, he was Manager of the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Department (2013-2018) and the Industrial Maintenance Department (2007-2011). Coordinated infrastructure and PDI projects with national and international companies, as well as financing from agencies and state departments such as CNPq, FINEP, SECTI/Government of Bahia, SEINFRA/Government of Bahia and FAPESB.

Selective process 2024