MTI in Additive Manufacturing

On-site (SENAI CIMATEC) or Online (Live)
1 year
Monthly Pay 2024:
R$ 890,00
On-site (SENAI CIMATEC) or Online (Live)
1 year
Monthly Pay 2024:
R$ 890,00

The course

Projections for the coming years point to a continued increase in this market. According to AMPOWER’s 2023 annual report, it is estimated that the market for metallic and polymeric materials will reach a total volume of €21.6 billion by 2023. Attentive to market trends and demands, SENAI CIMATEC now offers the first postgraduate degree in Additive Manufacturing with the main polymer and metal technologies.

Strategically developed to meet the growing demand for specialized professionals from different areas and industries. A complete postgraduate course with a hybrid format, which aims to train professionals with a foundation in the most used technologies for both polymers and metals. Going through all stages of developing a product manufactured by Additive Manufacturing, design, manufacturing and quality.


SENAI CIMATEC has the Additive Manufacturing Center responsible for training professionals for the market, the SENAI CIMATEC Additive Manufacturing Bureau and infrastructure for testing, characterization and metrology laboratories for printed products.

The SENAI CIMATEC Additive Manufacturing Bureau – the first in South America with HP technology (MultiJet Fusion 5210 and MultiJet Fusion 580 Printers) and with industrial resources that allow the production of complex geometries – is located at SENAI CIMATEC Park, in Camaçari. Aiming to promote greater productivity and efficiency of products and services in various sectors, such as automotive, mining, paper & cellulose, defense, agriculture, oil and gas, health and well-being, consumer goods and aerospace.


The SENAI CIMATEC University Center has a differentiated structure, which involves, in addition to advanced technology, equipment and laboratories focused on innovation with teams of highly qualified professionals and teachers. Everything planned and developed to promote learning that combines theory with practice:


See chapter V of the Academic Regulations SENAI CIMATEC University Center


The SENAI CIMATEC University Center reserves the right to:

Cancel the course if the minimum number of enrolled students is not reached. Students will be able to take some subjects with Masters classes offered by Centro Universitário SENAI CIMATEC.

Form of payment* Valid until: 01/12/2024
À Vista R$ 18.690,00
21x R$ 890,00

Next Classes

Thu, May 23rd, 2024

Workload: 360h

Start of classes: May 23rd, 2024

Thursday and Friday: 7pm to 10pm, Saturday, 9am to 1pm


Course Schedule

  • MindSet for Innovation – 30h
  • Introduction to Additive Manufacturing – 30h
  • Fundamentals of the Product Development Process – 30h
  • Additive Manufacturing Processes with Polymeric, Metallic and Composite Materials – 30h
  • Design for Additive Manufacturing – DfAM – CAD Modeling – 30h
  • Design for Additive Manufacturing – DfAM – Topology Optimization – 30h
  • 3D Scanning for Additive Manufacturing – 30h
  • Quality, Reliability and Sustainability for Additive Manufacturing – 30h
  • Technical and Economic Feasibility of Additive Manufacturing and Entrepreneurship – 30h
  • CIMATEC Experience: Learning Experiences – 90h

Fernanda de Souza Barboza

MBA in Project Management (SENAI CIMATEC); Petroleum Engineering (Estacio); Pedagogy (UNEB). He has more than 14 years of experience in education, working in teaching and coordination, in face-to-face and distance learning courses. Experience in preparing and reviewing teaching material for online courses. He has experience in coordinating educational service contracts in large corporations. She is currently coordinator of Lato Sensu Postgraduate courses at the SENAI CIMATEC University Center.

Selective process 2024