Professional Industrial Technology and Management

3 years
Monthly Pay:
R$ 1785, 00
3 years
Monthly Pay:
R$ 1785, 00

The course

Você vai se profissionalizar para atuar na dianteira das diversas etapas que compõem uma cadeia produtiva. Doutorando em Gestão e Tecnologia Industrial Profissional, você desenvolve habilidades para otimizar processos, planejar e administrar e controlar melhorias na área industrial e garantir a qualidade do produto final. Que tal dar esse salto na sua carreira? Para isso, faça já sua inscrição!

O aluno deve cumprir 150 créditos distribuídos da seguinte forma:

Disciplinas obrigatórias – 12 créditos
Cursos eletivos – 18 créditos
Atividades obrigatórias – 20 créditos
Exame de qualificação – 50 créditos
Defesa da Dissertação – 50 créditos
O aluno deve ser proficiente em inglês e ter um artigo completo aceito em periódicos ou eventos (nacionais ou internacionais).

Form of payment* Valid until: 3/6/2022
À Vista 1785

Next Classes


Course Schedule

  • Sistema de Manufatura Integrada 36h
  • Elementos de Automação 36h
  • Instrumentação Industrial 12h
  • Redes de Industriais 36h
  • Informática Industrial 24h
  • Segurança Cibernética em Redes Industriais 24h
  • Robótica 36h
  • Inteligência Artificial 24h
  • Sistemas Microprocessados de Automação 36h
  • Modelagem e Simulação 24h
  • Sistemas de Controle 24h
  • Sistemas a Eventos Discretos 24h
  • Metodologia da Pesquisa I 12h
  • Metodologia da Pesquisa II 12h
  • Sub-total 360h
  • Trabalho de Conclusão do Curso 90h
  • TOTAL GERAL 450h

Dra. Ingrid Winkler

Productivity Scholarship in Technological Development and Innovative Extension from CNPq, she has a PhD in Administration from the Federal University of Bahia, with a doctoral internship at the Ecole de Gestion - HEC Montreal and a degree in Computing from Mackenzie University. She is currently Coordinator of the Master's and Doctorate in Management and Industrial Technology (PPG GETEC) and permanent professor of the PPG in Computational Modeling (MCTI), at SENAI CIMATEC. She is a researcher at COMEGI/Center for Research in Organizations, Markets, and Industrial Management at Universidade Lusíada, Portugal. Coordinates the Institute of Science, Innovation and Technology in Industry 4.0 of the state of Bahia (INCITE INDÚSTRIA 4.0), an interinstitutional and interdisciplinary scientific and technological cooperation network with 4 Universities, more than 20 researchers with doctorates and masters and cooperation with industry and reference centers international projects on the theme "Immersive and Additive UX". Leads the CNPQ Research Group "Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality for Industrial Innovation", which investigates production technologies for Industry 4.0, Digital Transformation and Advanced Manufacturing. Between 2019 and 2023, he implemented and coordinated the HP VIALAB - Visual Computing and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and in 2022 he co-founded the Lab Ford VPX - Virtual Prototyping and eXperiences. It operates in an integrated manner at the Research Institute and the University Center (Undergraduate and Postgraduate) of SENAI CIMATEC, with solid experience in raising resources and executing applied research projects, directly contributing to increasing the competitiveness of the industry by having coordinated / coordinate 41 innovation and technological development projects, financed by players such as EMBRAER, Petrobras, HP, NVIDIA, SHELL, VALE, FORD, and startups, through resources EMBRAPII (Brazilian Industrial Innovation Company), ANP (National Petroleum Agency) , IT Law, SEBRAE, FAPESB and CNPQ, among others. She is the co-founder and current advisor of the non-governmental organization Instituto Fazer Fazer, which since 2002 has promoted socio-educational activities for teenagers from low-income communities in Salvador.

Selective process 2024



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