SENAI CIMATEC views applied research as a systematic and methodical tool for knowledge development, applied to industry-related issues and educational inclusion processes within the institution. It employs both formal and informal channels. Today, SENAI CIMATEC is a national leader in applied research aimed at the industrial sector.
The institution implements a policy of developing technology-focused applied research projects through partnerships with companies and funding organizations. This includes direct funding and scholarship grants from public funding agencies (ANP, ANEEL, CNPq, FAPESB, FINEP, BNB, BID, among others), private entities (Embrapii, SENAI-DN, IEL, SEBRAE), and even self-financing by companies.
Scientific and technological initiation is encouraged among students, including those with disabilities and special educational needs, to promote their participation in research groups and projects and to support master’s and doctoral work.
During research, students learn how to organize available knowledge, seeking answers to existing gaps through appropriate procedures. In this sense, research learning also serves as preparation for their professional careers.
Regarding its research policy, SENAI CIMATEC follows these principles:
Research should be a tool that guides the application of knowledge, enhances learning, and feeds back into education, including for students with disabilities and special educational needs.
Applied research should respond to or anticipate the demands, aspirations, and needs of the industrial sector and social inclusion.
Applied research should ensure the internalization of infrastructure capable of supporting its development and extension activities.
SENAI CIMATEC encourages the active participation of its students through scholarships for scientific and technological initiation, professional initiation, internships, and specific projects that can develop new materials, processes, and resources for assistive technologies.
SENAI CIMATEC promotes exchange with institutions in Brazil and abroad, including universities, research centers, and companies.
Research lines should be oriented towards continuous improvement in the qualification level of faculty members and the development of new skills and programs for scientific, technological, and professional initiation.
SENAI CIMATEC has 14 research groups:
Science, Technology, and Innovation for Sustainable Development
Integrated Product Development
Vehicle Mobility
Maintenance of Industrial Equipment
Education, Career, and Management in Science, Technology, and Innovation
Process Intensification
Complex Systems
Cognitive Optimization Research and Development Group
Digital Integration for Advanced Manufacturing
Atmospheric Sciences and Scientific Computing Laboratory
Integrated Research Center for Civil Construction
Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Virtual Worlds for Innovation in Industry
Alternative Energies & Energy Efficiency
Cognition, Knowledge, and Innovation
Since 2012, SENAI CIMATEC has been part of Embrapii, one of the three research institutions responsible for its pilot implementation program.
Today, SENAI CIMATEC is the most relevant research and innovation agent for the industry in Brazil, maintaining a project portfolio that currently exceeds R$ 1 billion in areas such as autonomous robotics, materials, oil and natural gas, mining, biotechnology, among others.