PPG GETEC Management and Industrial Technology

4 years
Monthly Pay 2024:
R$ 2.365,69
4 years
Monthly Pay 2024:
R$ 2.365,69

The course


In 2007, PPG GETEC was established with the purpose of meeting the growing demand for qualified professionals in the field of management and industrial technology. Since then, the program has graduated more than 200 students whose projects are aligned with the needs of the industry. The main mission is to train researchers and professionals capable of working in strategic areas of companies. This is accomplished through the coordination of knowledge resources, aiming to promote improvements in processes and products with an interdisciplinary approach, with the aim of improving the competitiveness of the national industry.

The program focuses on expanding knowledge in the areas of management and industrial technologies, organized into lines of research that cover Industrial Management and Development (GDI), Product Development Technologies (TDP) and Process Engineering and Technologies (ETP). PPG GETEC collaborates with companies on research, development and innovation (RD&I) projects. This not only provides continuous opportunities to update its curricular structure, integrating different points of view and with a view to offering courses, scientific initiation and academic, technical, scientific and cultural exchange.


The SENAI CIMATEC doctoral course in Industrial Management and Technology was designed so that students have a systemic view of the three lines of research that form the basis of the program. The student must complete 160 credits distributed as follows:

  • Mandatory subjects – 18 credits
  • Mandatory Curricular Activities – 42 credits
  • Defense of thesis project – 20 credits
  • Qualifying exam – 30 credits
  • Dissertation Defense – 50 credits


Recognized with grade 4 by CAPES.


The SENAI CIMATEC University Center has a differentiated structure, which involves, in addition to advanced technology, equipment and laboratories focused on innovation with teams of highly qualified professionals and teachers. Everything planned and developed to promote learning that combines theory with practice: http://www.sejacimatec.com.br/tourvirtual/index.html

Form of payment* Valid until: 30/01/2025
À Vista R$ 2.365,69

Next Classes


Dra. Ingrid Winkler

Productivity Scholarship in Technological Development and Innovative Extension from CNPq, she has a PhD in Administration from the Federal University of Bahia, with a doctoral internship at the Ecole de Gestion - HEC Montreal and a degree in Computing from Mackenzie University. She is currently Coordinator of the Master's and Doctorate in Management and Industrial Technology (PPG GETEC) and permanent professor of the PPG in Computational Modeling (MCTI), at SENAI CIMATEC. She is a researcher at COMEGI/Center for Research in Organizations, Markets, and Industrial Management at Universidade Lusíada, Portugal. Coordinates the Institute of Science, Innovation and Technology in Industry 4.0 of the state of Bahia (INCITE INDÚSTRIA 4.0), an interinstitutional and interdisciplinary scientific and technological cooperation network with 4 Universities, more than 20 researchers with doctorates and masters and cooperation with industry and reference centers international projects on the theme "Immersive and Additive UX". Leads the CNPQ Research Group "Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality for Industrial Innovation", which investigates production technologies for Industry 4.0, Digital Transformation and Advanced Manufacturing. Between 2019 and 2023, he implemented and coordinated the HP VIALAB - Visual Computing and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and in 2022 he co-founded the Lab Ford VPX - Virtual Prototyping and eXperiences. It operates in an integrated manner at the Research Institute and the University Center (Undergraduate and Postgraduate) of SENAI CIMATEC, with solid experience in raising resources and executing applied research projects, directly contributing to increasing the competitiveness of the industry by having coordinated / coordinate 41 innovation and technological development projects, financed by players such as EMBRAER, Petrobras, HP, NVIDIA, SHELL, VALE, FORD, and startups, through resources EMBRAPII (Brazilian Industrial Innovation Company), ANP (National Petroleum Agency) , IT Law, SEBRAE, FAPESB and CNPQ, among others. She is the co-founder and current advisor of the non-governmental organization Instituto Fazer Fazer, which since 2002 has promoted socio-educational activities for teenagers from low-income communities in Salvador.

Selective process 2024