Civil Engineering

5 years
Monthly Pay 2024:
R$ 2.352,53
5 years
Monthly Pay 2024:
R$ 2.352,53

The course

In the Civil Engineering degree at SENAI CIMATEC, the student learns about structures, construction materials, planning and all activities related to the design, construction, operation and demobilization of a project. Students learn about software and technologies from the construction industry, such as Smart Cities. To this end, the institution offers the opportunity to share the same environment as the Technological Center, a reference in BIM (Construction Information Modeling), and a great hub for research and innovation. At SENAI CIMATEC, students choose their professional path. With the Academic Innovation project, it is possible to experiment and select professional paths and continue as a technical manager, entrepreneur or researcher.



The SENAI CIMATEC University Center has a differentiated structure, which involves, in addition to advanced technology, equipment and laboratories focused on innovation with teams of highly qualified professionals and teachers. Everything planned and developed to promote learning that combines theory with practice:


  • Meeting market demands: matrix updated according to industry needs;

  • Collaborative work: matrix shared with the Architecture and Urbanism course and with other Engineering departments;

  • Application of BIM: integrated projects and use of BIM software in various disciplines;

  • Innovation: challenging projects that encourage the development of solutions that integrate sustainability, productivity and innovative construction techniques;

  • Practical activities: hands-on courses using software and activities in laboratories, such as the Construction Materials Testing Laboratory and the BIM Laboratory;

  • Development of soft skills: projects that encourage time management, conflict management, empathy, resilience, leadership and ethics;

  • Autonomy: at SENAI CIMATEC, you experiment and choose which professional path to follow during your degree.


Click the button below and access the course's Curriculum Matrix.


Luara Batalha Vieira

PhD in Management and Industrial Technology (SENAI CIMATEC - 2022), Master in Structural Engineering (UFBA - 2014) and Bachelor in Civil Engineering (UFBA - 2011), has two specializations in the concrete area and is currently a postgraduate student in BIM Manager (PUC-Minas).
He completed his doctorate at Purdue University, Indiana, United States. She is Coordinator and teacher of the Civil Engineering Degree at SENAI CIMATEC and acts as a technical leader of R&D&I with companies, including funding from agencies, such as EMBRAPII. He has supervised more than 40 students between undergraduate and specialization and published works in event annals, complete articles in journals and 11 chapters in books.
It has technical production assets, such as registration of industrial designs, patent deposits and research reports. In literature, she has short stories published in collections and awarded in literary competitions and is the author of the historical novel Antônia Carrero.